Lightbox Wednesday #21
I rarely have my iPhone on me when I am out and about. It's just a nuisance to carry. And, for the most part, the only time I use its built in camera is to take photos of film cameras I am writing about and using. Those images appear here on the blog and in my Flickr feed.
On January 22, 2012 however, I did have my phone with me as I watched the San Francisco 49ers play the New York Giants in the NFC Championship game at Candlestick Park. I took the phone because my brother is a big Giants fan and I wanted to be able to text him and rib him when the 49ers beat the pants off the Giants. I could have left the phone home--the game went the other way and the Giants went on to the Super Bowl that year.
As it turns out, I am glad I snapped a couple of shots inside Candlestick as it would be my last visit there before the place was closed down and demolished. Besides the loss, it was a miserable evening at The Stick. Sheets of rain blew in cold from the Bay. I got soaked to the skin and recall eating a cold hot dog in a rain soaked bun.
Cold and Miserable at Candlestick
Even colder and more miserable at Candlestick
Lots of football history unfolded over the years at Candlestick and long time fans here really miss the place. Looking back through all my old photos for the Lightbox project, I am glad I grabbed my phone that day and got a few shots of the grand old park before it disappeared.
Candlestick Park today (Image Courtesy of Google Earth)