It’s been nearly nine years since I started getting back into film photography in a big way. I had just moved to California, started a new job with a regular paycheck after a decade of freelancing, and was nearing the final years of paying off a huge debt load from a difficult divorce. I finally had some time and a few bucks and needed a hobby. If I don’t have a hobby, I work too much. Well, I work too much anyway, but that’s another story.
My first film camera in 2010 was a Nikon FE2 I bought off of eBay. The FE2 hooked me. Whenever I had a few extra dollars to spend, I’d go looking for another classic film camera. Selling some cameras created the revenue to try new ones. I’m thankful I’ve had the time and resources to enjoy so many great old cameras and that the hobby has been mostly self-sustaining. Here’s a parade of photos featuring some of my favorites, starting with that FE2.
The camera that started it all…The Nikon FE2
Nikon F2AS
Yashica Electro 35 GT
Nikon FA
Mamiya 645 Pro
Nikon F2AS Black Body
Polaroid SX-70
Nikon F2 Photomic
Brownie Hawkeye Flash
Mamiya M645 1000S
Nikon S Rangefinder
Hasselblad 503
Canon A-1
Nikon F4
Konica Auto S2 Rangefinder
New Canon F-1
Leica M3
Pentax Spotmatic SP
Nikomat FT
Original Canon F-1
Polaroid 600
Pentax LX
Contax RX
Leicaflex SL
Pentax ME
Leica M2
Kodak Retina IIc
Olympus OM-1n
Agfa Isolette III
Polaroid 450 Land Camera
Barnack Leica
Hasselblad 501c
Minolta XE-7
Nikon F2A
Pentax K2
Nikon SP
Pentax MX
Voightlander Vito II
Leica MP
Olympus OM-2n
Pentax 645
Nikon FM2n
Minolta XD
Canon P
Pentax Spotmatic Black Body SP
Nikon F100
Pentax Super A
Leica R6
Nikon F3HP