A New Film
March and April have been crazy months at work for me, but I did get a bit of shooting in--some street photography with my Leica M in San Francisco (photos soon) and an afternoon indoors on a rainy Sunday trying some Kodak Tmax 3200 film.
This is my first time ever trying this super fast black and white film from Kodak. I decided to use my Minolta XE-7 as it was already sporting a macro Rokkor lens. Not sure I made the best decision. My XE-7 is in the queue for a CLA as its meter can be erratic. Sometimes, I get perfect exposures and every once in a while, wildly underexposed as was the case with my first roll of 3200. A few shots were salvageable and provided me with enough encouragement to try this film again in a trusted camera.
Close up of my beloved black Spotmatic SP
Analog meets digial
Knife set
XE-7 Me!