Expired Plus-X
Over the years, whenever I have had the opportunity and the funds, I have tried to buy up rolls of Kodak’s now discontinued Plus-X 125 black and white film because I like shooting it. A roll here, a roll there. Even a cold-stored brick or two from photo stores clearing out inventory. My oldest rolls expired in 2008 and I have a few from the final batches that expired in 2016.
I decided to shoot a roll from a brick with a 2008 expiry date and see what developed. This particular batch came from a photographer who could not guarantee the film was stored properly its entire life. I loaded my Canon F-1 and shot it at the box speed. Even with unknown storage conditions, I think this film has held up nicely…certainly a credit to the folks in Rochester.
To my eye, Plus-X has a creamy vintage look that I have been unable to duplicate with any currently available film. It gives me pleasing results and I will be sorry when the last of my stock is gone.