Fogdog Blog Fall Preview
Back in the day, the three major television networks made a big deal about all of the new TV shows that debuted each Fall. There would be an official premier week, heavily promoted and much anticipated. I don’t think they do this anymore. In fact, I don’t even know where to find many of the new shows…Hulu? Netflix?
While certainly not as exciting as premier week used to be, here in my little corner of the internet, I present some of the things I’ve got coming up as the seasons change…my Fogdog Blog Fall Preview!
LEICAFLEX SL2: I’ve been on the lookout for a nice Leicaflex SL2 for years now and and finally found one at an affordable price. Affordable because, while cosmetically and mechanically near mint, the meter in this one is inoperative. Don Goldberg of DAG Camera Repair is going to service my SL2 and assures me that the meter will function as designed and with modern batteries. The Leica will get a good cleaning, lubrication and alignment as well.
Leicaflex SL2 with 35-70 f/3.5 Vario-Elmar-R
The SL2 was the last Leicaflex before Leica’s collaboration with Minolta and the R series of SLRs. Some people say the SL2 was the best mechanical SLR ever. “Best” is subjective, but as I played around with this camera before packing it up to send to DAG, I will say that it feels sublime, has a very sweet sounding shutter and an amazing viewfinder! Full review and pictures once Don works his magic.
OLYMPUS ZUIKO 100mm f/2.8: I came across this little OM lens in a camera shop for $25. Couldn’t resist. I don’t think I have ever shot the 100mm focal length before, but I love using my 85s, so this should be fun. All of my OM bodies are now serviced and good to go, so expect to see some shots from this lens soon.
ROLLEIFLEX SL35 E: Several years ago, I picked up a Rollei 50mm f/1.4 Planar QBM mount lens. This lens was designed to work on one of the Rolleiflex SL bodies. I know it’s weird to buy a lens when you don’t have a camera body to mount it on, but the Zeiss designed Rollei Planar is well reviewed and I got it for a steal. I figured eventually I’d find a decent SL body. Decent has been hard to come by. I’ve purchased two off of eBay and neither one worked right. I sold them for parts cameras and came out of both deals pretty good, but it’s kept the lens sitting on the shelf. Recently, I found a decent looking SL35 E on eBay from a trusted seller for under a hundred bucks. The ad says this camera works perfectly. Even if it doesn’t, I know enough camera repair techs now that someone can probably get it working good enough to take the Planar for a test drive.
Rolleiflex SL35 E from the eBay listing.
HASSLEBLAD 500C/M: I enjoy surfing You Tube for film camera experience reports. I came across this young lady with her Hasselblad and it has motivated me to get mine out and do some medium format shooting. I haven’t shot medium format since moving last last year, so it will be fun. I think I’ll shoot black and white.
LEICA R4S MOD-P: I’ve been so busy that I have not had a chance to shoot my Leica R4s MOD-P camera since Sherry Krauter serviced it for me. As I was getting ready to load some film into it awhile back, I noticed that whenever I pushed the shutter release halfway to activate the metering system, the little +/- warning LED would flash like crazy in the viewfinder. The Leica R3 and early production runs of the R4 were known for electronic gremlins. Was this the beginning of the end for my R4? And so soon after a competent CLA?
Leica R4s MOD-P with 50 Summicron
I set the camera aside for a few weeks, frustrated that I’d never be able to shoot the thing. Now, I’ve been fiddling around with old cameras long enough to hardly ever read an owner’s manual, but since this camera came with one, I figured I’d thumb through the pages and see if I could find out what the blinking LED was all about. DUH! If you use exposure compensation, either plus or minus, the +/- LED blinks like mad reminding you that it’s not set to zero! I feel like an idiot. Now, on to shooting this great old Leica!
My Fall preview certainly isn’t Must See TV, but it gives you an idea of what I’ll be up to photographically as the year winds down.