Oh well...

I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to get out and shoot and on one of the rare days when I had the time, I should’ve done a better job controlling my variables.

First, my newest film camera is over 20 years old and all of the rest of them are much, much older. So in-the-field failure or a wonky meter is always a possibility. As for film stock, most of what I have in the fridge is fresh and has been properly stored.

So I am not sure what prompted me to grab one of the rolls from my stash of Agfa APX 100 (new emulsion) that got misplaced during my move last year and sat in a box out in the garage for many months. Or why I decided, for the first time in forever, to mount a yellow-Y2 filter to the 50/1.4 Nikkor lens on my F3HP and head out on a blistering, hot early July day…but I did.

The meter in my F3 has never failed me, but maybe it’s time for a calibration. And using a yellow filter on incredible bright sunny day probably wasn’t the best move. Maybe improper storage has partially spoiled my Agfa film. Or maybe processing or scanning was off?

Whatever the reason or reasons, my images from this roll were inconsistent and mostly unsatisfying. In some shots, the highlights were blow out. And I am not sure where all the grain came from. My past images shot with APX 100, albeit the older emulsion, were nearly grain free and silky smooth. I just don’t know.

It was good to get out, camera in hand and mask at the ready. So there’s always that.

Downtown Napa is mix of old and new buildings

Downtown Napa is mix of old and new buildings

The hot day and Covid = nearly empty streets

The hot day and Covid = nearly empty streets

Shadows on a sweet ride

Shadows on a sweet ride

The little market in Yountville

The little market in Yountville

Napa city building

Napa city building

An old Packard

An old Packard

One of the alleys the tourists don’t see

One of the alleys the tourists don’t see

A palm under the July sun

A palm under the July sun

I might cover this sign up during the pandemic

I might cover this sign up during the pandemic

They are in their social bubble

They are in their social bubble

This alley downtown is usually full of people

This alley downtown is usually full of people

I made a number of shots of this building. I liked the shadows.

I made a number of shots of this building. I liked the shadows.
