Point Arena, the Nikon FM2n and Kodak Tri-X

I have decided to make Kodak Tri-X my primary black and white film stock this year. I haven’t shot Tri-X consistently enough to really get to know it well, so this is a good exercise for me.

A few weeks back, I took a road trip up the coast to the little town of Point Arena, California and brought along my Nikon FM2n, 50mm f/1.8 Nikkor AI-s lens and a few 24 exposure rolls of Tri-X. Here are some of the shots that pleased me the most.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy taking pictures with my FM2n. It’s a manual everything minimalist SLR that really gets out of your way. I almost sold it late last year because prices for these bodies have really gone up. I’m glad I didn’t.