Rewind or shoot it up?
It sometimes happens that I come home after a day of shooting and have unexposed frames left on a roll of film. Mood pretty much dictates my decision here. If I've had a good day of shooting and feel pretty satisfied, I'm more inclined to leave the remaining frames unexposed and rewind the film into the canister. Other times, the more prudent side of me surfaces and my mind will wander to those spur of the moment, "I should use up this roll" shots that in the end, became nice surprises and I'll just go wandering around the house to see what I can put a frame around.
These are some shots from the end of one such roll. Earlier in the day, I had been out shooting interiors in several dimly lit historic buildings on the Point Reyes National Seashore. I was using the fastest film I had in the fridge, some Kodak TMax 400 which in the end, wasn't quite fast enough. I shot two and a half rolls. After returning home, I stood and stared at the back of my Nikon FM2n for awhile and ultimately decided that 18 shots were too many to rewind.
As is often the case, my photographic equipment became the subject of my photography. I retreated to my office, turned on my desk lamp, arranged a few things on the white top of my desk. I shot these all handheld using my 55mm f/2.8 Micro-Nikkor lens. It was a relaxing and fun little exercise. When I got the film back from the lab, I was pleased with the shots.
Curious to know what you do? Rewind or shoot it up?