One A Day Project
Ever get into a photography slump? Don't know what to shoot? Don't want to shoot? Unmotivated to shoot? Making excuses NOT to shoot?
I've been in one lately. One reason is that I've been really, really, really busy at work. Another reason is that I just haven't felt all that inspired. When this happens, I give myself an assignment. A project to inspire me and hopefully, get me out of my slump.
Tomorrow is June 1st. Starting tomorrow, I am going to shoot one photograph a day. Something that I find interesting. Something I want to put a frame around and say..."Hey, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
I'm loading my Nikon F2 Photomic (50mm f/.14 lens) with a roll of 36 exposure TMax 400. Fast enough film to capture whatever I'm flirting with at the moment and more than enough frames to get me through the month. I'm going to take the Nikon with me everywhere I go in June and try and limit myself to just one, meaningful frame per day. I may shoot other photographs with other cameras, but this camera is reserved for the One A Day Project.
I'll post the results here in July. In the order I took them. Even if they suck.
June 1st: Camera in my car, Day One